Monday, June 1, 2009

Our fun camping weekend

So we did have so much fun camping. The kids did very well minus a few of Adrianna's meltdowns but we are good. I am going to be busy today getting this house clean again. It always gets so messy right after a trip. It will take awhile because Daisy also has a vet appointment and then Adrianna has her end of year party for AHG tonight but I am going to be working at it until then!

I haven't had a chance to load the pictures on here at the moment but I am sure I have a few good ones to post when I do get to it! Right now I am wondering why Kayleigh and Kiersten keep fighting with eachother this morning. I heard of sibling rivalry but this morning is ridiculous! They each have two wood puzzles that are new and they are fighting over the same ones which is driving me crazy but then they start hitting and agghhhh---you get the picture!

Well, I am off to start the day. Hope that everyone had a great weekend and I will update soon with the pictures!


LosingSanity said...

Glad you had a fun weekend. I dread the coming home, taking care of things, cleaning up. Yesterday, I decided when we got home, to get right on the unpacking, putting away and laundry. Today, Im glad I did. LOL.

Jody said...

Stace you are a better mom and wife than me... girl I hate camping, no thank you :)