Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our Easter

So Easter went well. The kids looked so cute dressed up. I sooo love the hair bows that one of my neighbors made for the girls! Of course getting a good picture of the kids together is another story! We did an Easter Egg hung after church again-our third one three days in a row. The kids had so much fun! We even used some of our dogs holes that she dug to hide the eggs in. We do however have an egg hiding out in the yard somewhere that we can't find!!!

Haven't posted much because I no longer have a computer. My dog spilled my Sprite can and Michael didn't notice that the Sprite went under the computer so he just picked up the can. I was upstairs at the time giving the girls their bath and putting them to bed so it was awhile before I came down and noticed that my computer no longer worked and why. I am upset about it because just before I went upstairs I added new pictures from my camera to the computer and deleted them before I found out the computer didn't work anymore so now if I can't save them I lost them but at least recently I took all the rest of the pictures and put them on disks. So needless to say I have been using Jon's computer so we have to share and I can't be on as much as I would like to be.

Hope that everyone had a great holiday weekend. The kids have Spring Break this week so they are going crazy with nothing to do-especially since the weather hasn't been too nice and today it is nice but very wet out! I had to cancel my dental appointment for Friday since my babysitters are all out of state and Jon can't get out of work. Too bad-I guess my last three fillings have to wait awhile. My mouth still hurts from the last ones anyway which probably means the root canal is definitely in my near future! Well, I better go and get the kids finished with lunch and the babies down for their naps! I can't wait for a little quiet-I might just send the older three outside! Enjoy the pictures!!!



Jody said...

Happy Easter it looks like you guys had a great time! and they are all dressed so nice! :)
I love the new background!

LosingSanity said...

Glad your Easter was nice. I am jealous that your kids were able to go out barefoot!!!! I can't wait to do that.