Monday, December 1, 2008

Kiersten's Cardiology Appointment!

So I took Kiersten to the Cardiologist today for a check up. They did the whole work up which surprised me but I guess since she is a new patient there they wanted it all for their records. She did awesome-even with the EEGor EKG can't remember which is for the heart and which is for the brain anymore since she has had so many of both! She just sat there and let them do everything they needed it was so cute and they kept saying how their kids never would of done that at her age. The cool thing was when they did the ultrasound on her heart they had a TV set up so she could watch Blues Clues and that made her lay there and let him do that-they were very impressed.

And for the results! When he did the exam where he just listened to her he said if she didn't have the scar down her chest you would never know by listening to her that she ever had heart surgery. That was so good to hear. He even talked about Dr. Jonas and how he is the best for her type of problem so she was lucky to have him for the surgery that Kiersten had! Then he did the ultrasound on her heart. He showed me the patch and said he thinks it is all covered up. There is one thing that bothers me that I have to leave to God. Before when they did the ultrasounds on her heart all of her leaks she had cleared up and there were no more. Well, today she has a small leak. The doctor doesn't look at it as a problem so I guess I shouldn't either but the fact that it didn't have any leaks before and has a small one now worries me. He did say that normal people with no heart problems can get leaks in the same place and it not cause a problem at all and they will just keep watching it. They also said that because of how big her hole was and where it is located she might have problems when she gets older with getting out of breath easily if she does sports and stuff but then again she may not. He said this because there is a spot that showed up on her EEG/EKG (again not remembering which) that shows that her right side works a little slower than her left. This is only because of the patch. They will continue to do this test as she gets bigger and if the difference starts getting bigger than they will have to figure out what to do. He said he isn't telling me this stuff to scare me-only because he had to give me all the info but he doesn't think that Kiersten will have a problem. All that being said we go back to the having to trust God with it all. I have to try to not treat her any different than the other kids-just because I worry all the time.

Other than that things are going ok. We are dealing with the flu here. Jon started it early Sunday morning then the boys were not feeling good and a few hours later Adrianna started in. Michael was better today but Justice and Adrianna stayed home from school still sick and now I am starting in I believe. I am just praying that the twins don't get it because usually what one girl gets the other does and I really don't want Kiersten to get the fevers that Jon and Justice have had. Please be praying for all of this and for us to be able to just trust God with Kiersten. It is hard to not want to go and just have everything fixed right now!


LosingSanity said...

I really hope the girls don't get the bug. It's gone around here too (just posted about it actually).

Glad that the appointment went well and hopefully things continue to look good. I'm sure it was a relief to hear that she is doing well.

Jody said...

Yeah... That is good news stac! :)