Friday, May 22, 2009

Woo-Hoo! It is the weekend!

I am so excited that it is the weekend! We are going to go to some friends house tomorrow night for a bbq and poker night and then on Monday night we are having friends over here for another bbq! It is so nice to have great friends around and I am going to be so disappointed when one family moves this summer! I am so sad about that!

My Grandma got home safely yesterday-s greatful for that! Also I am very excited to report that My step dad got the job with Harley Davidson. He will be their Senior Engineer Tech or something like that! That means that my mom and he will be moving to Arizona in the next couple months! Not too excited that they are going to be even farther away but so excited for him because this is his ideal job and he got it! He is so awesome and God is so great!

Please be praying fr my sister in law today. She is having surgery today to remove a fatty tumor from her back and they have to have it tested because the tumor has grown so fast there is a chance that she may have a very bad form of cancer! I will update on that when I get a chance. Her name is Dawn! Have a great day everyone!

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