Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What a day!

Let me tell you from the moment that I woke up I should of just went back to bed. So first thing this morning I got up took the kids to school in a big storm-flooded roads, lightning, thunder and pooring rain. Finally got the kids to school-soaked dispite the umbrella, stopped at the vet to get the rest of Daisy's medicine and went home-mind you after going around an accident and still storming. Went outside to take the dog out and found out we were in a Tornado Warning. I was freaking out. This is the first time we had a tornado warning in 4 years and I couldn't be there to protect my kids because they were on the other side of base at school. It was even more frustrating to find out later that Adrianna and Justice's school didn't even do anything about it-they just kept the kids in class. Needless to say we are all alright and the storm passed.

So after doing all the running we had today we stopped at housing to let them know that Jon went to the briefing that we needed to so we can move only to find out that we can't move now until Tuesday because the maintainence is not done at the new place yet! They first told us we could get the keys tomorrow morning but then found out we couldn't. I was upset at first because Jon has to go back to work next week but this will give us the weekend to pack a lot of stuff up and get ready! Anyway, then at the end of the day we go and put the kids to bed-go in the twins room and find out that during their "nap" they ripped up the blinds in their room. Not happy-we are a few days from moving out of here and now we have to replace something! AGGGHHH! I am ready for bed! Have a good night!


LosingSanity said...

Sorry you had such a crummy day! Hopefully today will go better.

Leigh Ann said...

Wow. Hope today was better!