Monday, February 23, 2009


I know Jody can sympathize with me on this-even more because she has an extra little one! The girls are going crazy! They have started getting into everything. I can't turn around and do anything without one of them getting into something. I think they have a little get together and decide who goes to what room to mess something up so the other one can go and get into something in another room. At least they don't drink from the toliet anymore. They also have learned that if they climb on chairs and move them over to the cubboard that they can get things they normally can not reach! Poor Jon was watching them the other day and when I called and asked how things were going he said the girls were driving him nuts. They now love to get into the trash and pull things out and sometimes eats things that they have decided did not belong in there! I used to get angry when people would see the twins and say double trouble but now I know exactly what they are talking about. They were such easy babies-I guess they are making up for it now! When they do things wrong they also go and hide-or if they sneak getting into food or something they get the food and go hide behind a chair to eat it!!! I need another vacation so I can get enough energy to keep up with these two little rug rats!!!


LosingSanity said...

I can't imagine having two going through the terrible twos! It wasn't that fun with one at a time. I sympathize with you. Why is it that the kids get all the energy and moms aren't given an extra dose to keep up?>???

Jody said...

How Funny!! Well Not really when it's your twins doing it, but its' funny to read someone elses! I love when twin moms tell me "I can't imagine there being one more!" because what should my response be.... They know how hard 2 is, one more is alot? but i don't know the differance.... does that make any sense? i don't know what it is to have twins, only to have triplets, so I think it's funny when twin moms have sympathy for me, two is not easy either! I would assume! :)